Sunday, October 15, 2006

For our Ma Myat.

On your engagement, let the angles sing!
Now let cloud of angles fill the air!
You may think your pledge a mundane thing;
One word of love and angles hover there!
Unborn children wait upon your breath,
Reaching past the hundredth generation,
Even as you touch souls wrapped in death,
Now equal sharers in your celebration.
Give yourselves to mutual delight;
All things come to being out of love.
God said love:Behole, and there was light!
Even so shall you vast spirits move.
May all spirits join you in join,
Each rapt in occult pleasure as you toy,
Needing your sweet love to fully be,
Though happy far beyond your ecstasy.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Little Bird' Wedding

Golden Leaves for you. I wish you two for always Golden Days like these photos. I took these pictures and I understand if you see these scenic in real life you will not miss the chances also.

Don't you think, endless blue sky and horizon so are smilar with your endless love ?

Earth dressed Yello and Brown at Houston, Texas. LMM Nyi Ma, I would like you two to be there.